More than hundred choristers stood on stage of the Passion Play Theatre in 2022.
In the year 2022 the music for the Passion Play will once again be based on the compositions of Rochus Dedler (1779 – 1822). Rochus Dedler was born in Oberammergau. He graduated from solid music studies in Munich, his role models may also have been Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Joseph and Michael Haydn. Basic parts of the music he composed for the year 1820 are regularly performed in Oberammergau, even beyond the Passion Play years, and are a consistent component of the local music culture.
Markus Zwink rearranged, revised and supplemented the Dedler compositions by own compositions, as the Sch'ma Israel.
In the course of time, Dedler’s music has frequently experienced adaptations and enhancements. Even the formation, which was originally rather a chamber music ensemble, was customised to the larger setting of the current Passion Play stage.
In the upcoming Passion Play normally 4 vocal soloists and 44 choristers will be performing on stage, at some scenes there will be a total of 64 vocalists.
Halleluja to accompany the Resurrection
Markus Zwink
The musical director and conductor of the Passion Play comes from one of the oldest families in Oberammergau. For 40 years he has been giving decisive impulses to the musical life of his home village. He has accompanied Christian Stückl's theatre productions for almost as long. For the Salzburg new production of the Jedermann and as musical arranger and director of the Passion Play in 1990, 2000 and 2010, he contributed significantly to the success of the productions.
Eva Kammerer
Eva Kammerer studied music for teaching profession at the secondary school. She will conduct the Passion Plays 2022.
Dr. Christian Wolf
Christian Wolf studied school music, conducting and musicology. He was director of the Richard Strauss Institute in Garmisch-Partenkirchen for 19 years. In 2017 he changed to the teaching profession and continued to devote himself to concert management, especially the Richard Strauss Festival in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Until the end of 2018 he was managing director and dramaturge of the festival. Since January 2019 he has been conductor of the Passionsspiele 2022.
Dominika Breidenbach
The psychology student sang in the choir at the last Passion Play. In 2000 she was part of the people.
Maria Buchwieser
The music teacher at the secondray school conducted the orchestra and the choir at the 2000 Passion Play. In 2010 and 1990 she performed as a soprano soloist.
Katharina Osterhammer
The head of planning in the Artistic Administration of the Münchner Volkstheater is now on stage for the third time as a soprano soloist.
Franziska Zwink
The vocal student was part of the choir at the Passion Play 2010. In 2000 she was part of the people and could be seen in the living picture "On Calvary".
Maria Zwink
In 2010 she could be seen in the choir, in 2000 she was part of the people on stage and of the living picture "The Golden Calf". She is currently studying jazz singing and music in childhood.
Caroline Fischer-Zwink
The doctor already stood on the stage of the Passion Theatre in 2000 and 2010 as an contralto soloist.
Antonie Schauer
The businesswoman and sculptor already sang a soloist role at the Passion Play in 1990, 2000 and 2010.
Monika Gallist
The flight attendant performed in the choir at the Passion Play 2010. In 2000 she was part of the people and could be seen in the living picture "Looking upon the Fiery Serpent".
Gabriele Weinfurter-Zwink
is a singer in the Bayerische Rundfunk Choir and has already performed as an soprano soloist at the 1990, 2000 and 2010 Passion Plays.
Veronika Pfaffenzeller
studied violin, opera singing and business psychology. Currently she works mainly as a management consultant and agile coach. She played in the orchestra at the Passion Play in 2000 and 2010.
Michael Etzel
The freelance singer and paramedic is taking part in the Passion Play for the first time.
Michael Pfaffenzeller
The cultural manager played in the orchestra at the 2000 Passion Play. In 2010 he stood on stage as a tenor soloist.
Moritz Kugler
The freelance singer stands on stage of the Passion Play Theatre for the first time.
Korbinian Heinzeller
The sports and English teacher was already a tenor soloist at the 2010 Passion Play. In 2000 he stood on stage as a member of the choir.
Heino Buchwieser
The master carpenter and teacher at the Staatliche Berufsfachschule für Holzbildhauer in Oberammergau was already on stage at the Passion Play 1990, 2000 and 2010 as bass soloist.
Anton Sonntag
The student was a member of the choir at the Passion Play 2010 and performed among the people in 2000.
Josef Zwink
In addition to his profession as a hotelier, he performs as a concert singer. He also appeared as a bass soloist at the Passion Play in 2000 and 2010.